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…. And you don’t even know it …

WOAH. DID THAT ONE HIT YOU IN THE CHEST? Or make you raise an eyebrow like hmm? AM I?

This is a question I have pondered for years- when I look at others, and even sometimes when I look at myself.

I see people in these crazy lives, all upset and angry, always complaining, always being negative, always STRAINING TO WIN. I see people unhappy on a regular basis... and it’s confusing to me …

I know life isn’t meant to be hard and troublesome all the time. Of course, as humans we deal with conflict as a catalyst for our own growth and for the evolution of our soul’s, but I DO NOT believe that we are here to suffer. I know deep inside, innately, that we are here to play and learn and to live our own heaven on earth experiences!

So why are so many people suffering? Why are trolls even a thing? Why do people want to be mean and judgmental and jealous and spiteful? Why are people commenting hateful stuff on celebrity pages like they have even met the person a day in their lives? Why are men and women in conflict, continuously hurting each other? Why are people acting irrationally? And most importantly …… WHY AREN’T PEOPLE TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE LIVES THAT THEY CREATE?

Ah… that’s a big one.

As I was pondering this question and my own role in struggle life, one of my lovely friends and mentors told me about using the Laws of the Universe in my favor. (I went to her for some advice and she gave me straight gems! Shout out @Donalee).

I had been interested in the laws before, but I never got into them because let’s be honest, it just sounded like another thing to learn and I’m already busy doing and learning a bunch of other stuff already lol

But this time it felt like I HAD to learn them, master them, and teach them, even if it was going to be simultaneously!

So I hit the F**K it button and went straight to Google. I did my research and made my own personal document about the Universal Laws and how they functioned practically! LET’S JUST SAY I WAS SHOOK AND A LOT STARTED TO MAKE SENSE – Including why people are addicted to suffering …

Let’s just dive right in I don’t even have an intro for this one!

My thoughts prior to learning the laws: People are addicted to suffering because they deeply identify and subscribe to OLD stories. Whether they’ve been hurt before, whether they have trauma, whether they were born into families that didn’t have much money or resources—whatever it is --- so many people have formed identities around who they were and what they have experienced… Letting go of these stories means letting go of a big piece of who you are, and I think on a subconscious level, people really struggle to let go of their pain and struggle. Sometimes it feels easier to stay stuck in the mud than it does to roll up your sleeves & PULL YOURSELF OUT of it, because if you do pull yourself out then now you’re going to have to do all the work to usher in a new version of yourself. Some people just feel it’s easier to stay and complain in their default mode and hope something positive will magically happen for them.

The problem with this is that they CONTINUE to subscribe to their OLD identities! They continue to create the SAME REALITY for themselves over and over …. Without even knowing it.

You don’t get it? Let’s dig deeper!

The 2nd Law of the Universe is called the Law of Vibration and it says that everything in the universe is energy and moves and vibrates including what we say, think, believe or do, it is all a vibrational frequency. Low frequencies revolve around being angry, bitter, jealous, greedy, in fear, in lack, in scarcity, etc… that sorta thing. High vibrations revolve around being positive, grateful, loving life, enthusiastic, optimistic, kind, appreciative, humble, etc. Two very different energies. And a lot of people who are stuck in suffering are stuck in lower frequencies!

It’s the LOWER INNER FREQUENCIES that create a shi**y reality in your outside world. YOUR OUTSIDE WORLD ISN’T OUT TO GET YOU AND ISN’T WHAT YOU ARE REACTING TO, really… it’s the other way around.

YOUR INSIDE WORLD IS A REFLECTION OF YOUR OUTSIDE WORLD. That’s why it starts WITHIN YOU. People who are stuck in old identities and suffering are continuously creating the same present reality over and over for themselves because their inside is not changing. They are just expecting their outside to randomly change when NO CHANGE IS BEING MADE INTERNALLY…. No change in action, no change in internal dialogue, no change in beliefs, no digging into subconscious beliefs, nothing…

That is backwards, and goes against the law of vibration.

So what should you do? You start within and CHANGE YOUR OWN THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, CONSCIOUS AND SUBCONSCIOUS BELIEFS, ACTIONS, etc. You become positive, enthusiastic, grateful, humble, warm, kind, generous, and you do more of what you love. You feel these energies forreal forreal, and you make sure all of your actions align with the new vision you have created.

NOTE: This new high vibe energy may feel hard to do consistently or counterproductive at times (like when manifesting money you don’t have but moving like you do have it)… but all you’re doing is tricking your subconscious mind into thinking you already have what you desire so that your new outside reality shifts. If you keep the same old thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions, you just create the same stuff with different people

BUT if you actively SHIFT internally, your outside WILL SHIFT.

It is Law J

So next time you are watching your reality go to sh*t, think first what part YOU have in the mix. It all starts with you… and the sooner we can take accountability instead of pointing fingers at the universe or at people who “did you dirty,” the sooner we can manifest EVERYTHING and more…

I know at least some of what has happened to you wasn’t your fault, especially as a child, but it is your responsibility to deal with your life- including your pain and any chaos that shows up.

All in all lovely’s--

It’s time for crazy faith.

It’s time for quantum leaping into new realities.

It’s time to call in the abundance and love we deserve,

because it is literally our inherent birth right as reflections of source (We ARE the essence of abundance and love so we can attain it, but only if we get ourselves together and deeply believe we can have it)…

It’s a time for VISION. Without vision, how do you know where you are going and what to say “no” to along your way? You need vision so you’re not just swirling around!!

It’s time to usher in our higher selves, and our own personal Heavens on Earth.

I know I’m ready. I can feel it in my entire being.

Are you?


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