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Currently sitting outside on my laptop after a journaling session

I could feel my insides jazzed up as I wrote down my beliefs, my affirmations, and my intentions for what I am demanding shows up for me in my life

You see, trusting in the abundance of the universe is a major key to success.



I feel a fire in the pit of my stomach just urging me to get that message out to the world. It’s so crucial that people understand this concept.

Let’s break it down. . . .

What you believe becomes your reality. If you believe that french toast is better than pancakes, you’re always going to enjoy french toast a bit more lol.

If you believe every man that you date is going to lie and sneak and hurt you, then chances are you are going to manifest that because it is what you believe and potentially what you look for…

If you believe the only way to make money is with a 9-5 job regardless of whether it is fulfilling to you, then you are likely to wake up and go to work in a relatively bad mood a few days a week because you are pushing yourself to go somewhere you don’t want to go, to do things you don’t want to do, with no plan to get out of it.

Yes, I totally understand having a job to pay your bills. That is a very valid reason for the 9-5… BUT I’m saying if you believe that is the ONLY way you can survive for the rest of your life, then you won’t create a new reality for yourself that feels more fulfilling…

If you believe life is SUPPOSED to be hard because “That’s life, that’s how it is…” then life will be hard.

THE UNIVERSE WILL SHOW YOU PROOF OF WHAT YOU BELIEVE, IN YOUR OUTSIDE WORLD. . . Soooooo… If you think love isn’t in the cards for you, when you find a good connection you are likely to self sabotage it OR look for love in the people who WILL lie, sneak and hurt you because it’s what you believe will happen. The universe will show you PROOF of that inner belief IN your outside world.

If you think 9-5 is the ONLY way to make money, you will miss all other opportunities that come by you. The universe will show you proof.

If you think life is supposed to be hard, life will continue to PROVE to you that it is hard by throwing hard sh*t at you. . . . What I need you to know is that YOU are creating that life. Your life is a reflection of your inside world, and what you believe in. It is not just playing outside of you causing disaster

You must KNOW this. It is so freaking important. . . . So let’s circle back to the beginning, why did I even bring up the fact that your beliefs become your reality?

Well- because life is in your hands. How do you see life? Do you trust the universe? Do you trust yourself? Do you see and understand your own power?

Do you know that it’s realistic for you to have the best safe love where you go to bed with happy and calm with your partner and your heart is bursting open in joy? And theirs is too. And there isn’t any phony sh*t going on?

Do you know that it’s realistic for you to look at your bank account and see so much money in it that now you get to PLAY with it and USE MONEY as a TOOL. You get to make investments and f*ck them up lol. And then you get to do it again and make your money make you even more money. You get to buy your friends fun gifts to surprise and spoil them! You get to take vacations and not feel anxiety in your chest when the bill comes.

All of this is REALISTIC for you. . . But, it starts with YOU. Do you want to stop being stagnant, reacting to life? Are you ready to CREATE your life? You don’t have to operate on auto-pilot, and you do not have to subscribe to the beliefs that you were taught by society, by your parents, by old toxic friends or partners, etc.

You can gain deeper self awareness.

You can decondition your brain and body so you think differently and attract what you want.

You can learn the energetics of the universe and use them to your advantage in order to create the life you want to live.

You GET to have it ALL.

At the end of the day, the million-dollar question is: What do you truly BELIEVE?


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