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The one and only Queen Bee is of course super talented, but she also holds a lot of wisdom.

She knows what is going on in our world! And tried to tell us with her song “Bigger”. Did you catch on? Let’s break it down!

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When Beyoncé said: “You're part of something way bigger Not just a speck in the universe Not just some words in a bible verse You are the living word” What did she mean?

Well, YOU ARE LEGIT THE LIVING WORD. Although you may sometimes feel like you’re just a relatively insignificant person on an Earth filled with billions of people, you are actually immensely special. In fact, you hold God/ Source/ The Universe within you. You are one and the same.

THIS IS WHY YOU CAN MANIFEST lol, you are THE creator since Source is the creator and you have Source within you. And not in a way that puts you above anyone else… We are all a piece of Source or a reflection of Source, however you want to put it. That’s why people say “Man was made in the image of God.” There is truth in that. . . . Ever heard of the Big Bang Theory? Well- part of this theory actually says that when everything blew up in a gazillion pieces from the one main source, that life went everywhere, including YOU! This was Source’s way of being everywhere at once in order to learn what it’s like being everyone and everything. This includes being within every single human being, because no human experience is exactly the same as another's.

Interesting right!? Think about it! . . . Beyoncé also said: “Look up, don't look down, then watch the answers unfold Life is your birthright, they hid that in the fine print Uh, take the pen and rewrite it”

She’s LITERALLY telling us to LOOK TO THE STARS for answers… Yes... this is your sign to get a birth chart reading with me lol I can literally tell you all about your soul based on your chart!

But anyways,

Beyoncé then says “Life is your birthright”. You are here to LIVE and to receive ALL THE AMAZINGNESS life has to give. “They hid that in the fine print,” refers to our forgetfulness of where we come from and our power… And rewriting refers to the fact that we can legit take a pen and write new manifestation intentions!

Yes. We are THAT powerful. We just forgot. . . . So yea, Beyoncé is sharing the TEA and I am relaying it to you! Tap into the goodness!!

We will keep it short today… be back for Beyoncé Part 2 soon!


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