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Take it from me… it’s easier said than done.

My business, Silva Starseed, has grown and evolved with me since she began taking form in 2016

It started off with a desire to help others on their journey’s of Life on Earth … why?

Well, I had already experienced my fair share of childhood trauma, breakups, friend betrayals, first generation experiences trying to prove myself to mom and dad … you know, the whole 9 yards.

I wanted to help and I felt that I had enough soul wisdom to do so.

My magic was that I somehow knew exactly what you needed to hear, how to help, and that people felt safe with me.

That year, 2016, is when the tarot found me. My random summer roommate in college had a deck with her and asked if she could read for me. I said yes, of course, then everything changed.

I fell in love with the tarot for years! It was this beautiful guidance system that allowed me to connect with my own guides and ask them wtf I should do next! LOL and if I was even on the right path…

They laid out breadcrumbs to follow and whispers in my ear… “keep going,” they said… “you are on time.”

Eventually, I was led to astrology and reiki- both of which unlocked massive keys for me in business and in my personal life.

As I grew, so did my business.

I built a fire website! I booked a bunch of clients! I increased my prices lol which was insane to me at the time and then I increased them AGAIN!

I expanded on social media. I allowed myself to show up despite the fear of being seen in a new and potentially controversial light.

I began really building my brand, my business, myself.

I spent thousands of dollars on courses for certifications… and thousands on a coach who taught me so much about marketing, sales, human design, and more…

But the MOST DIFFICULT piece of business has NOT been matters like marketing or even investing thousands in learning stuff…

In fact, it has been the inner work I’ve had to do in order to grow and scale, in order to step into my shoes as an authority of my niche, in order to release the old me and become HER.

There has been a lot of - Regulating my nervous system - Making friends again with money - Taking radical responsibility for creating my life - Stepping more into my purpose - Learning my soul’s lessons - Holding space for growing pains - Holding space for my ego that wants to keep me small - Forgiving and accepting others - Dealing with burnout

And this is just a small window of the work!

LOL— you see growing a business that I LOVE has not been all fun and games … and definitely not just about making aesthetic designs and learning how to sell

The hardest piece of expanding into more money, more clients, more success, more love, more fun, more bliss … has all started within.

And I would be lying if I said that I’m not still learning and working and growing.

The work never stops. You just get better at it.

So let’s be transparent when we talk business.

And let’s work to show up as our higher selves.

Because the truth is, 1. In business, YOU FAIL UPWARDS. 2. Your biggest competition is YOU. 3. Only abundance and love are real. 4. This is a matrix. Your soul is here to learn and grow. And in this matrix, you can have anything you want as a creator of your reality. But trust and believe that the Universe will make you work for it.

So do the inner work too.


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