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My 1-1 Breakthrough Transformation Sessions are deeply eye-opening and will literally change your life in 90 minutes!

I know that sounds crazy and unrealistic, but it’s only crazy- until it happens.

Have you been feeling stuck, lost, confused, misunderstood, or out of flow with life? Are you having trouble either making more $ than you already do or keeping the $ you already have? Do you know HOW you were designed to operate as a specific individual so that life always feels easy?

Do you know how to ask your intuition questions to always receive accurate answers? Are you struggling to heal and move into a higher, better version of yourself? Do you know how to ACTUALLY manifest literally anything you want? Are you having troubles in love or career?

Do you feel like it's time to GET GOING and MAKE CHANGES in your life for the better?

If you can relate to any of this, then my 1-1 session is exactly what you need as we unpack the 3 Pillars: Deeper Self Awareness, Deconditioning, and Energetics. By the end of our session, you will have discovered your truest essence, why you're actually here, and how to de-condition old habits to create your new desired reality.

What you get:

Tangibles: - 1 Personalized Birth Chart Reading to dig deeper into your soul, who you really are, why you are here, what you came here to do, your specific karma, challenges, gifts, energy around career & love, life themes, life lessons, missing element, and more. This will be done on a recorded phone call which I will send to you after our session.

- 1 Tarot and Oracle Reading where I channel your angels, ancestors, and guides. You will be able to seek general guidance or ask a question. This reading is done on our call, after your Birth Chart Reading.

- Personal Intuitive Guidance throughout our session

- Homework, Affirmations, and Shadow Work tailored to you

Intangibles: - You will discover who you truly are on a soul level and your life lessons which will bring in deeper self-awareness and allow you to unlock more balance & flow in life

- You will be given the resources you need to begin unpacking doubts, fears, limiting beliefs, conditioning, and more, all of which hold you back from entering your desired reality.

- You will start working with and understanding the energetics behind aligning and attracting more of your desires, including money, love, health, etc.

- You will gain confidence in yourself, your power, and your intuition. - You will begin healing on a deeper level. - You will feel held, seen, understood, supported, and guided. - You will receive the burst of energy you need to begin making positive changes.

- You will understand on a deeper level, what is going on in our world, and be able to step into your truest and highest identity with power, tools, resources & wisdom.

Bonuses Included: - 4 Supplemental Documents I have written with crucial information and exercises to support you in deconditioning the old in order to move into your new desired reality. These documents will be sent to you after our 1-1 session. - Universal Laws document - Energetics document - Shadow Work document - "Thing to Know" document Book by March 14th to receive: - 1 FREE 30 Minute Follow Up Session - 1 FREE Reiki Distance Healing Session

Doors close March 30th!!

Disclaimers: - I am not an accountability coach. I will put you on the path and help you get your footing, but it is up to you to stay on course and keep yourself accountable. You will get out what you put into this. My signature 1-1 session will absolutely change your life for the better if you are open-minded, willing, and ready to do the necessary work. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme or a simple social media manifestation trend that doesn't actually work. If you are excited, open, focused, and ultimately ready to create the life you are meant to live, then this offer is for you!

If you are ready to do the work and call in everything you desire, link to book is in the comments! :)


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