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Updated: Mar 14, 2022


Because I get to dig into your soul WITH you, and bring in immense amounts of insight.

No, seriously.

They’re so freaking fun for me because I get to hear people’s shocked reactions lol. When I tell them their life lessons, their karma, their missing element, whatever it is… their reaction is always “OH MY GOD! Of course! I’ve struggled with that my whole life!” Or “That makes so much sense! YES, Please give me the medicine!” It’s so incredibly satisfying helping you put your puzzle together and finding what pieces you are missing. I get to give you the gift of locating your missing pieces, helping you to deeply understand who you really are, why you are here, and what you came here to do. I get to give you insight on career, on love, on your special gifts, and more. I even PINPOINT exact areas in your life when sh*t either hit the fan, or something spectacular happened to you.

I give you your missing puzzle piece. Because that’s exactly what you need.

Your missing puzzle piece.

One of my most recent clients I accidentally found scrolling on TikTok. I saw a video she posted where she was feeling a bit defeated because she wanted more financial independence from her family and to build her own business instead of working retail. For some reason, I was called to her so I wrote a comment and offered a free reading. I don’t typically do this, but I just felt like I was supposed to help her. She responded, we connected, and we got on a call for her reading a few days later.

During her reading, we started talking about career and all the Aquarius and Sagittarius in her chart that just pushes her towards freedom. I was able to give her confirmation that her placements definitely made her an eccentric free spirit and her life lesson was to be different and to challenge old ways. Cool. The transformation came in once we discussed her career placements and her missing element.

So I asked her, “How are you with being bold and out loud with the world? Have you told your story to your community?” My client was recognizing her passion for teaching people about healthy love relationships and how her father’s absence and tough relationship with her mom growing up conditioned her into unhealthy beliefs around love that she has been learning to decondition more and more every day.

Client: “No not really…” Me: “I’m pretty sure that’s what you're missing. With your placements, I know for sure that you are here to do love and family, that your missing element is fire so in this life you have to cultivate big, bold, fearless, leader energy, and within career you have Aries energy so you are literally SUPPOSED to be a leader, an initiator, enthusiastic, and again, to do fire- the element you are missing.” Client: “OH MY GOSH WOW, that makes so much sense! My boyfriend tells me all the time that I need more fire! And he’s an entrepreneur with lots of fire. He’s always telling me I need more of that and I don’t listen. That makes so much sense!” Me: “Yes girl. You are totally on the right track with building your own love program and you already have the social media following, but now it's time to step into your inner fire. Bring her OUT TO PLAY!

Think of it like 4 wheels of a car- if one tire is flat, the car cannot function as well as it is meant to. It’s the same thing with you. Once you create balance, everything will flow how it’s meant to.”

She was feeling exhausted and annoyed with her current job. Although grateful for the means it provided, she knew deep inside that there was more waiting for her.

Something BIGGER. Something for FULFILLING. And—- something that would easily make her BANK for doing what she’s freaking obsessed with already because it’s what she came here to do. Duhhh.

Oh, and what happens to the feelings of frustration and burn out and worry around money or career advancement? Well, everything just disappears because now she sees the whole picture of her puzzle. NOW SHE’S MOTHER FREAKING ALIGNED. A force to be reckoned with. ________

To find your missing puzzle piece, book a birth chart reading via the link in bio :)


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