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Updated: Mar 14, 2022

Hi, I’m Alyssa.

I’m a Spiritual Counselor, an Intuitive Channel, a Certified Astrologer, Tarot Advisor, and Reiki Practitioner. I’m also a Model, a Creative, a High Priestess, a half retired Podcast Host lol, and a Soon-To-Be Life Coach…

I don’t just fit into a box, I was never meant to. I’m bubbly, curious, half extroverted, half introverted.

I’m a healer and a rebel. I march to the beat of my own drum. . .

I’ve always said that I was here with a purpose, and that I was going to make shifts in the world in my own way. I never liked being told what to do, and I always felt a fire in the pit of my stomach pulling me closer to my essence and away from the labels and conditioning that the world wanted me to subscribe to.

All I’ve ever wanted was to see people truly happy, healed and in their own authentic essence and element. All I’ve ever wanted was to bring the world some valuable and practical guidance and clarity that truly helped them in life. I’ve asked the big questions and found the answers- Who are you really? Why are you here? What did you come here to do? Through my own journey of self discovery, I’ve been able to deeply tap into these answers for myself, and also for my clients in order to help them make massive shifts and breakthroughs of their own. . .

When I look at the world, sometimes I have a hard time understanding why so many people are stuck in negative vibes. I see actions completely misaligned with “desired” outcomes. I see a lack of vision. I see addictions to suffering. But MOST of all, I see confusion. People don’t see the bigger picture of what is going on here or how to go about life in a way that brings them what they actually desire. They don’t understand their immense power. They have no freaking idea that they can literally have anything they want and that it’s literally 100% possible for them. I want people to wake up, to understand and see the bigger picture, and to make radical shifts that call in their own personalized Heaven on Earth. . .

I am here to bring you major keys that will change your life.

I am here to bring you healing.

I am here to help you help yourself as we unravel old ways of being and welcome in what we ACTUALLY want to see.

I am starting a movement. A totally new modernized way of the term “out with the old, in with the new.”

I am doing this first through my current offerings– birth chart readings where I channel intuitive messages for you, teach you all about your life lessons, who you really are, the energy around your career, around love, around your karma, how to create more balance in life, and a whole lot more… tarot readings where I channel your guides to bring you crucial messages helpful for you along your path in life… and reiki energy healing to unclog blocks keeping you in resistance instead of within the flow of life.

Secondly, I am currently creating my own program for the ladies only- a Total Goddess Transformation container of 8-10 weeks where I will be teaching you how to utilize the universal laws, providing readings, energy healing, intuitive counseling, and a whole lot more. I will be giving you practical tools that will change your life. Keep your eyes and ears open for this one, it’s going to create waves. . .

I am here to help you make radical transformations.

I am here to wake you up, and remind you of what you have forgotten.

I am here with the major keys and the pieces to your specific unique puzzle.

Who wouldn’t want to skip years of bullsh*t and jump ahead to all the goodness they desire?

I am here to help you call in your literal Heaven on Earth…

I am here to help you WIN.

Nice to meet you ;)


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