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What is “SHADOW WORK” ???!

Updated: Mar 22, 2022

Shadow work is a term I have been using for quite some time, but I just realized that I never really wrote out what it means and why it is so important.

So let’s break it down. . . . To me, Shadow work is the task of digging into your own shadows and doing the work of unpacking what you don’t typically pay a lot of attention to...

That includes looking at your childhood trauma and things that you experienced growing up.

It includes looking at yourself on a deeper level and can be tailored to certain areas of life such as love/family/intimacy, finances/career, health, etc.

You are basically an onion and shadow work is the task of peeling away your layers to look at what is really inside and how what’s inside is influencing your life, for better or for worse. . . . My favorite way to do shadow work is to journal…

To intentionally trigger parts of you that you may not automatically or easily look at, and then to allow yourself to go there and uncover it all! . . Some examples of shadow work journal prompts are:

How did you learn what love was through your parents and upbringing? How has that influenced your love life as an adult?

Was money seen as a good or bad thing when you were growing up? How has that influenced you today?

If you could be your healthiest version of self, what would that look like? . . You see, shadow work sets you up to look at the deep stuff so that you can transform.

It’s important because you must first be self-aware of certain behaviors, thoughts, beliefs, programming, etc. in order for you to make any changes. . . . Shadow work is a beautiful way to set yourself up for greatness… to do the work so that you can move into everything you have ever wanted.

If you would like to do some of your own shadow work with me, I am offering 1-1 Breakthrough Transformation Sessions until March 30th that come with a whole bunch of bonuses, all of which are there to bring out your very best life!


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