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You stay stuck in the same patterns instead of becoming who you are meant to be. You know deep inside at least some of the steps you need to be taking, but instead you stick with what is familiar and comfortable. You make a million excuses as to why you can’t do something. —---> “I can’t go to the gym because I have so much work to do.” —---> “I’m too tired to get up early.” —---> “I don’t meditate because I can’t concentrate and I don’t have time.” The real reason you haven’t become the person you would like to be is simply because you haven’t made the decision to be. It really is that simple. This is about the DECISION to make NEW CHOICES and to BECOME a new EMBODIMENT. Instead of creating stories in your head as to why you aren’t growing and/or blaming others for your problems… It’s time to take accountability for your life. You GET TO DECIDE who you want to be with all of your choices. You get to decide what you believe, what you subscribe to, what stories you tell yourself and what you value. Today, I challenge you to make new decisions that align with who you want to be. To get started, ponder these questions: 1. What is your vision of who you want to be? Where are you misaligned? What new decisions can you make to be aligned?⁣⠀ 2. What do you value? And how can you start truly living and breathing your values? 3. Where are you self sabotaging and/or procrastinating?

I believe in you. Make the changes.


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