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You think the universe has forgotten about you...

You may be feeling like you’ve been waiting for UPS to show up at your door and deliver to you what you put on our vision board two years ago… yet, it’s still not here…. WHY NOT? Well, the truth is, you have a block in your belief system...

It's an issue of trust.

If you fully trusted, if you were CERTAIN, that the universe would deliver, you wouldn't wait at UPS every day.

Instead, you would trust while keeping your focus on your vision and continue taking inspired action. You see, so many of us are going after our goals but then operate from lack and desperation as we STALK our desired outcomes.

This creates resistance.

"I want ___ so bad," and "I need ___ to happen," translate to the world that you do not have those things, nor do you fully believe what you desire is on the way. So I implore you... Let go.


Brick by brick, create the life you want.

Trust some more.

& Remember, what is meant for you will always be for you. Here are some of my favorite tips on how to create more trust and let go:

1. Download the "Insight Timer," app for free and listen to Sarah Blondin's meditation "Learning to Surrender" .... it may make you cry!

2. Keep a list of your successes every day or every week. What strides have you made? What bricks have you laid? The bigger picture is already being built.

3. Write down your worries, doubts, and fears, and then allow yourself to sit with those feelings without resisting. Once you get comfortable with how they make you feel, come back to the paper and write down the REAL TRUTH of the feeling, situation, etc. I believe in you. Make sure that you do too!

Yours Truly, Alyssa


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