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That’s right. And I have all the facts.

Do you ever wonder why you’re even here, alive on Earth living your life, going through all the ups and downs? Do you wonder what your true purpose is, and if you’ve even fulfilled it? Do you ever feel like the universe forgot about you and left you to fend for yourself, which is why life feels hard?

If you do, I can relate.

You see, ever since I was a little girl, I felt lost… Now don’t get me wrong, I was still a really happy child before life got ahold of me, but deeply engrained in my being I always felt like there was more going on in this world than what I was being told. Things just didn’t make sense to me.

So what did I do???? NOTHING. I was a 7 year old girl going through life, handling the cards I was dealt. I didn’t THINK much of it because here I was in my human body on a rock floating in the middle of the universe… What was I supposed to do, honestly? I just kept chugging along and kept that piece of me suppressed.

BUT- I FELT IT. And it never went away…

Deeply, I knew there was more information that I needed to make sense of my life. Why the heck was I here? What was I really meant to be doing? Who was I? and How was I supposed to know if I was on the right path or not? …. And am I the only one confused here? lol

I remember taking a trip with my diversity club in high school and then coming back home just to cry in my Mom’s lap.

“Who am I really?” I asked her … OH GOSH lol I asked her if I could take a 23andme test because I was basically having an identity crisis, which she inquired about but we never got around to it (glad about that one)…

At the time, I thought my crisis was because I wasn’t sure where exactly I fit in. I went to a predominantly white private school with a bunch of rich kids who I really couldn’t relate to on a REAL level. I looked different. My Cape Verdean culture was completely different. I had different problems. I cared about different things. And I just felt different altogether.

It wasn’t until I turned 21 that everything changed, my life went haywire, (Blame Saturn’s 7-year itch), and I finally made sense of my identity crisis.

Turns out, it wasn’t fully about differences in race, culture, or socio-economic status, although that had something to do with it… It was more so that I didn’t know FOR SURE who I was and why I was here… I knew what the norm said I was “supposed,” to do, but I couldn’t fully buy into it.

After leaving college for 6 months, moving away from everyone I knew, having my worst heartbreak/breakup, and then coming back to re-enroll and get into therapy despite stigmas (which I freaking loved by the way)… life finally started to make more sense.

Tarot found me, literally, which allowed me to gain insight and guidance on my life from my angels, ancestors, guides, and higher self—FINALLY! SOME REAL HELP!

And Astrology found me too- WHICH BLEW MY FREAKIN MIND OFF and I’m not exaggerating!

SERIOUSLY- I thought Tarot was the best thing ever, but once I learned astrology………… Let’s just say I’m still deeply obsessed!

I finally had the on-paper proof of WHO I WAS and WHY THE F I WAS HERE! I was looking for answers my entire life lol and in divine timing, everything started to make real sense.

My cosmic blueprint was right in front of me. This was a picture of the heavens with all of the planets and stars at the exact moment of my birth, calculating into a chart!! YES- the HEAVENS PROVIDED ALL THE WISDOM I WAS LOOKING FOR! Who would’ve thought of that!

The moon told me all about my emotional world, Pluto was that deep darkness and transformation I was experiencing, Venus was telling me all about my love life, etc. AND IT WAS ALL SPOT ON! If that isn’t PROOF that more is going on here, I don’t know what is!

This chart told me about why my love life was not like the norm, what my life lessons were, which direction I was meant to head in versus my default comfort zone, my karma and challenges in life, what my gifts were, why life sucked when I turned 21, and more… The wisdom was endless and deeply insightful and comforting.

I found out with 100% certainty that WE ARE ALL ON PURPOSE.



There is PURPOSE to every single life, including yours, and NONE of this is a mistake!

Now, as an Astrologer, I get to give this gift to my own clients who finally feel truly seen, understood, and have real tools and steps that they can take to ensure more abundance and blessings come into their lives. It makes all of this worth it. It makes decades of confusion worth it. It makes all the investments into learning me, and healing, worth it.

It makes it all worth it, because now, I GET TO HELP YOU WIN.

I get to help you understand your life in all its depths. I get to help you make sense of your world, including the chaos and pain and confusion. I get to give you clarity and insight. I get to make you smile and tell you all about your unique gifts. I get lighten your load. And mostly importantly,

I get to help you achieve an EVEN BETTER quality of life.

That is the promise the Universe made for me, and the promise that I make to you.


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